(−)-Epicatechin dosing in normal and overweight test subjects showed an increase in fat burning and lowering of blood glucose and triglycerides after consuming a meal

Published March 2014
energy supplement

Twenty adult volunteers (normal and overweight) participated in this crossover, open-labeled study. The test criteria excluded those with chronic diseases or those who used pharmacologic agents to modulate metabolism after a meal.

Some of the test subjects received a dose of 100 mg of a precise formulation of (-)-epicatechin after fasting for 10 hours and before consuming a balanced commercial nutritional (meal) supplement.  Results from treated subjects were compared to those from untreated volunteers.

All test subjects were tested for blood glucose and triglyceride levels before, 2 hours after, and 4 hours after consuming the nutritional supplement.

Indirect calaorimetry was performed to evaluate the respiratory (metabolic) quotient of the subjects.

Note that the formulation and dosage of (-)-epicatechin used in this clinical are relevant to our key ingredient, Mitokatylst™ in the product Mitokatylst™ – E.

Key Takeaways

  • Test results in the treated group showed significantly lower glucose (four hours after the meal) and triglycerides immediately after consuming the meal. Overweight subjects showed significant decreases in fasting glycemia and post-eating triglyceridemia.
  • Results from indirect calorimetry demonstrate treated subjects increased lipid metabolism after the meal as per the decrease in the respiratory quotient, which implies an increase in fat oxidation. This effect was most prominent in overweight subjects.


Authors Gabriela Gutiérrez-Salmeán, Pilar Ortiz-Vilchis, Claudia M Vacaseydel, Ivan Rubio-Gayosso, Eduardo Meaney, Francisco Villarreal, Israel Ramírez-Sánchez, Guillermo Ceballos