Your body is constantly fighting to stay healthy.

All it needs is the right support.


mitochondrial health supplements

Salutogenesis (coined by medical sociologist Aaron Antonovsky in his book, Health, Stress and Coping) is an approach that focuses on the origins of health versus the origins of disease. This approach considers the body’s potential to sustain health and well-being is central to living a healthful life.

Taking this concept further, Robert K. Naviaux, MD, PhD, professor of Medicine, Pediatrics and Pathology at UC San Diego School of Medicine, defines a more narrow focus – Salugenesis – on the molecular, metabolic, and cellular stages of the healing cycle. It is the process by which the body tries to heal itself in response to physical and mental stresses. In Salugenesis, every molecule, every cell and every organ inside the body takes part in this self-healing process. Together, they fight to keep your body in optimal health.
What provides the power for this fight?
Mitochondria. (More about them later)
The science behind all of this? Not so simple.


Modern medicine focuses on how a disease develops, progresses and resolves. Salutogenesis (coined by medical sociologist Aaron Antonovsky in his book Health, Stress and Coping) focuses on the opposite. It concentrates on the body’s potential to sustain health and well-being. 

Salugenesis (derived from salutogenesis) is the process by which your body tries to heal itself in response to physical and mental stresses. Every molecule, every cell and every organ inside your body takes part in this self-healing process. Together, they fight to keep your body in optimal health.


Simply put, bioenergetics can be described as the flow of energy through all living things. There are three key bioenergetic processes: cellular respiration in animals, photosynthesis in plants, and metabolism. The cell transforms energy by producing, storing, or using adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which can be understood as the main energy currency used to fuel health and well-being, growth, vitality, physical activities, and mental clarity.
Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that a) convert the energy in food into energy ton fuel processes in cells, b) convert food into molecules that are the building blocks of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and carbohydrates, and c) eliminate waste products.


mitochondria booster

Mitochondria, the powerhouses of your cell, are subcellular structures with a critical job description: generate chemical energy to power the cell’s biochemical reactions. Except for red blood cells, every cell in your body can contain thousands of mitochondria. Mitochondria also participate in regulating other systems (for more details, see our blog articles).

Mitochondria utilize the energy released during the oxidation of the food you eat to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP, also known as the ‘energy currency of the cell,’ is the human body’s primary energy source.

Some of the body functions powered by mitochondria

  • Strength and endurance of heart and skeletal muscles
  • Blood flow to the heart and muscle
  • Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels
  • Renal filtration and transport functions
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of your energy
is generated by your mitochondria

of each heart muscle cell is made up of mitochondria

of each liver cell is made up of mitochondria

Mitochondrial biogenesis

Mitochondria Biogenesis

Mitochondrial biogenesis is the process by which cells create new mitochondria. The more mitochondria there are in your body, the more energy for your body to use. Which means walking more, running faster, recovering from exhaustion quicker, and generally feeling full of life.

The interesting thing about mitochondrial biogenesis is that we can influence it through our lifestyle choices. For instance, studies have shown that repeated bouts of endurance exercise stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscles.


boost your mitochondria

Mitophagy, a cellular process, is your body’s way of dealing with damaged mitochondria. It breaks them down, recycles their components, or removes them entirely.

During their lifecycle, mitochondria constantly divide (fission) and bond (fusion) to meet your body’s energy demands. 

Fission allows the cell to segregate and degrade dysfunctional mitochondria through mitophagy. The healthy mitochondrion from each division continues the cycle of fission and fusion till it wears out. After a person turns 20, they lose approximately 15% of their mitochondrial density every decade. Aging, illnesses and mental stress also damage the mitochondria and cause them to become dysfunctional.


mitochondrial energy supplement

In 2020, our scientists made the groundbreaking discovery of a novel mitochondrial hormone that may hold the key to mitochondrial biogenesis. They have theorized that the molecule Mitokatlyst™, the key ingredient in the product Mitokatlyst™ – E, represents a natural mimic of this hormone.

The hormone signals the cell nucleus to activate mitochondrial biogenesis, protect the mitochondria, and create more energy by burning more fat versus glucose.

Mitokatlyst™ is backed by the result of more than 15 years of scientific research and experiments, published in peer-reviewed journals. It has been extensively tested and its pharmacological activity established with multiple clinical studies in animals and humans to support its efficacy.


Most importantly it has been proven to be safe for consumption.

Our scientists

Dr. Sundeep Dugar

Guillermo Ceballos

Dr. Guillermo Cellabos

Francisco Villareal,

Dr. Francisco Villarreal

Our scientific advisors

Robert Lustik
M.D., M.S.L.
Professor Emeritus, University of California at San Francisco
Robert Naviauk
Dr. Arun Varadhachary
Associate Professor of  Neurology
Washington University, St Louis
Greg Enns
Professor of Pediatrics (Genetics),
Stanford University
Rickard Johnson
Professor of Medicine-Renal Med Diseases / Hypertension
University of Colorado

Our scientific advisors

Robert Lustig

Professor Emeritus Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology
University of California at San Francisco

Associate Professor of Neurology
Washington University, St Louis

Professor of Medicine-Renal Med Diseases / Hypertension
University of Colorado

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* Clinical studies using Mitokatlyst™ – the key ingredient in the product – have demonstrated improvements in muscle strength and endurance in as little as 30-60 days.

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* Clinical studies using Mitokatlyst™ – the key ingredient in the product – have demonstrated improvements in muscle strength and endurance in as little as 30-60 days.

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